
听说做CPS的英文Affiliate网站赚了不少美元?的确,在国外affiliate marketing里CPS仍然是非常赚钱的,尽管亚马逊联盟大幅消减了佣金。可是做亚马逊要大流量,没有基础,没有流量,如何做英文CPS?



为什么? 因为affiliate marketing这个行业已进化到需要大量知识才能玩转,复杂到早已不是曾经的“网络营销”。光英文水平就档住了大部分人,更不用说玩VPS,搭VPN,建网站,做主题,写PHP,设计banner,  买流量,数据分析,开收款渠道等等,都是挡路虎。



  • 怎样制作一个英文Affiliate网站?
    1. 选择 Niche & 促销项目
    2. 怎样选择一个Niche
    3. 怎样选择Affiliate Product
    4. 制作一份Free Giveaway
    5. 获取一个域名,网站主机,邮件收集Autoresponder
    6. 设置您的Affiliate Marketing Website
    7. 写您的首次订阅后发送的5封Affiliate Emails
    8. 上传您的报告/电子书到云存储
    9. 制作您的Affiliate Squeeze Page
    10. 获取免费流量方法
  • 驱动流量到Affiliate Website


Affiliate,发音 [əˈfili:ˌeit],在国内通常被称为广告联盟、网站联盟、联盟营销或者联盟推广。简单点说,就是一种推广其他公司的产品从而赚取佣金的过程。


You need to build a niche site that offers helpful advice to the reader, and you need to make sure it has all the right policies, content, and offers for your audience.


都说完事开头难,老外的教程都说头脑风暴去想,让你做有兴趣的,可是对小白来说,有点无从下手,自由度太大。所以这里直接给出affiliate大佬做的Niche, 大佬吃肉,我们跟着喝点汤就行。

  • Relationships & Dating
  • Health
  • Wealth (Make Money Online)
  • Internet Marketing
  • Weight Loss & Fitness
  • Self Improvement
  • Personal Finance
  • Pets
  • Parenting




  • 是否有好的销售页?
  • 是否附带affiliate资源或资料包
  • 是否有阶梯佣金
  • 佣金率大于50%


Clickbank 的产品举例,选择最好卖的,获取链接。


3. 制作诱饵 Create A Free Giveaway


老外管这个叫 Giveaway,  就是一个诱饵,还有专门的 Giveaway CPA offer 可做。一个电子书教程或者一个资料包,都可作为这个Giveaway。

可以花100美元在 Upwork 或 Fiverr上找老外制作 Giveaway,也可自己写。自己收集资料,整理成文,和你要做的CPS offer相关就行,一篇报道,一篇教程,制作成PDF文档就OK,


  1. Title – tell them what the report will do for them
  2. Add bullet points – in this example, it would be five, one for each food
  3. Write a paragraph or two for each bullet point
  4. Summarize the article – tell them what they’ve just learned, how it helps them, and how the below product (your affiliate product) can help them even more
  5. Add affiliate link and save as a PDF

有些CPS offer 有PLR articles ,可以直接拿来制作电子书。


4. 搞定域名、主机服务器、邮件自动回复机

有经济条件的买 VPS 和 com 后缀的域名以及 Convert Kit (Autoresponder)。


  1. 去 freenom.com 注册个免费顶级域名
  2. 去找一个免费虚拟主机
  3. 破解版的Interspire Email Marketer 自己搭一个邮件自动回复机


5. 设置您的网站 主题, SEO

老外喜欢用free Kadence theme ,Astra,GeneratePress,MyThemeShop 之类的带很多DEMO的主题,上传后直接导入demo数据,即可一键生成漂亮的网站,可是大多是收费。不过这些主题的免费版也够用。

free Kadence theme


这些主题傻瓜的化的一键生成,只是代码臃肿,后续改起来很麻烦,如果你有点HTML+CSS +PHP 本领,可以自己仿个,这样代码精简,自定义功能多,对服务器要求低。

选好主题后,需要制作些常规页面,以便符合CPS offer 商家的政策

  • About — Add a few paragraphs about you and how the blog will help the readers.
  • Privacy Policy — You need to have a privacy policy, and WordPress will have already started one for you. Locate the page and change it to suit your needs. You can also get a free privacy policy here.
  • Affiliate Disclaimer — A simple disclaimer informing your readers that you’re promoting affiliate products on the site.
  • Download Page — The download page is a simple page that links the free report. At the top of the page, tell them to click the link to download the product and that you have an unannounced recommendation, your affiliate product.
  • Thankyou Page  — This is the page where your readers will go once they sign up to get your free product. Tell them the report is on its way, but you have something special to share with them before they go. (yes, your affiliate product)
  • Home Page — This will feature your squeeze page or a link to it.
  • Opt-in Page — Your squeeze page.

6. 写促销信 Write Your First Five Affiliate Emails



  • Email one: The Welcome Email. This email will welcome your subscribers and provide them with a link to the report.
  • Email Two: Useful tip and remind them to get your free report again.
  • Email Three:  Another helpful tip, but this time end the email telling them you have an exciting announcement tomorrow (one that will benefit them greatly).
  • Email Four: Tell them about the product you’re promoting. Explain the benefits and how they will improve their life. If the product owner has a free webinar, report, or trial, use this in your email text.
  • Email Five: Yes, another helpful tip related to the product, and a nudge at the end to remind them about the product.


  • Email One — Immediately
  • Second Email — Next Day
  • Third Email — Two Days Later
  • Email Four — Next Day
  • Final Email — Two Days later

7. 上传电子书或教程到云盘

把您之前做的好的电子书或教程上传到服务器。以便访客可以快速下载。老外通常喜欢用 Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive,  Amazon S3.

其实你可以直接上传到你的主机,反正前期流量也不多。博主私家方法是传到Backblaze  B2云存储,免费10G存储空间,套cloudflare后无限流量。

8. 制作 Affiliate Squeeze Page

制作访客输入电子邮箱的登录页,单页 Squeeze page,  这种单页用于产品销售或者特殊目的。有很多WordPress插件带有漂亮的模板自动生成Squeeze page页,比如free Kadence theme自带登录页。

博主喜欢仿一个竞争对手的,或者拿CPS Offer页自己改下,加个邮箱输入框,然后加个倒计时之类的,有时也会加个弹窗。

9 测试affiliate网站

在导入流量到您的affiliate网站之前,我们还要检查下网站,以便访客到访后感觉良好。测试下eamil 自带回复功能是否正常。

10. 获取免费流量



  • Add content regularly: Look for low competition keywords, and write articles focusing on the keyword. Aim to write at least one article each week and also write a review for the product.
  • Guest post on high-traffic websites: Create fantastic articles and publish on popular blogs; you can link back to your squeeze page in the bio.
  • YouTube: Create Youtube videos  from your articles, and publish them to your youtube channel
  • Social Media: Share your article links on all your social media sites





