西班牙电话卡ORANGE Mundo境外实体手机SIM注册卡

如果您需要欧洲西班牙手机电话卡/注册卡,那么ORANGE Mundo 西班牙电话卡就是最好的选择,此卡属于Orange公司,可以在中国大陆漫游使用,Pay As You Go – PayG 套餐可在中国免费接收短信验证码,卡片有效期180天,到期前充值,SIM卡有效期延长4周。

西班牙最大的三家电信公司,Movistar,Orange和Vodafone加起来大概占据市场份额的80%。三大电话公司的价格水准基本为20€ 大约20GB的流量。

Orange(orange官网orange.es )是一家法国电信运营商,在世界通信讲评比中被授予“最佳国际移动运营商”的称号。在法小伙伴用的最多的是Orange,经常有优惠活动,充值反费,我自己法国旅游时使用的就是Orange公司的MundoPlus这个套餐,每个月只需要10欧就可以获得7G的流量。




  1. 作为短期法国旅行用途带有流量的套餐
  2. 作为注册各种APP用途在国内可用的Pay As You Go – PayG 套餐。

Pay As You Go – PayG 套餐:

有效期6个月,可在中国漫游接收短信免费。到期充值任意金额可用延长有效期4周。最适合作为注册卡使用,可用注册国外各种APP,比如:Paypal , Amazon, Google、Facebook等等。

Spanish SIM Orange Mundo: Pay As You Go – PayG
Activation: The Internet is activated on the date you set.
Access Point (hotspot): allowed.
SIM card expiration date: 6 months (after the last balance recharge)


Unlimited national calls: Maximum 5,000 minutes of national calls. If it is exceeded, it is priced at 8.47 cents / min. (CELL: 30 cts.). Use from Spain.

50 international minutes: to call the US, Canada and Europe.

Free Calls from Mundo to Mundo: 3,000 minutes maximum
Valid for 4 weeks from activation or last recharge


ORANGE Mundo 带有流量的套餐

带有流量套餐为20天20G和27天25G两种。套餐有 4 周使用时间, 含在西班牙境内4G速度套餐流量,超出速度16 kb/s


含西班牙境内通话时间 5.000 minutes /4 weeks ,超出 € 8.47 cents/min,额外含Mundo用户之间西班牙通话时间3000 minutes/4 weeks.

-50 minutes to call from Spain to the US, Canada, and landlines and mobiles in Europe. The cost of calls beyond 50 minutes will be from 1 cent/min depending on destination (call establishment € 30 cents).


– 18 cents/message.

  • PREPAID SIM CARD – Take advantage of the PROMOTION of 40 GB in Spain and up to 9.5 GB of Roaming in Europe
  • 💡 ONLINE ACTIVATION – Enter the mobile number and identify yourself in our portal, www.marcopolomobile.com, and you will be able to use the SIM on your mobile phone shortly after.
  • 📞 FREE CALLS – Unlimited national calls (5.000 min.), Plus 3.000 minutes of Mundo to Mundo calls from Spain. You can also enjoy 50 minutes to call the US, Canada, and landlines and mobiles in Europe.
  • 🕜 28 DAYS OF VALIDITY – Enjoy the serviceTake advantage of 28 full days from the date of activation or renewal of the plan.
  • 🌎 ROAMING, unlimited calls can be used from any EU country to call Spain. Calls from Mundo to Mundo are priced as national calls.

You can use the DATA in the following EU countries:

Austria, Finland, Iceland, Martinique, Slovakia, Belgium, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovenia, Bulgaria, French, Guiana, Italy, Norway Sweden, Croatia, Germany, Latvia, Poland, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Greece, Liechtenstein, Portugal, Czech Republic, Guadeloupe, Lithuania, Reunion, Denmark, Guernsey, Luxembourg, Romania, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, San Marino.

Download Speed:  up to 80 mb/s.
Upload Speed: 40 mb/s.

Attention: you can check free the balance through *111# only 2 times a day.
Each additional balance checking via * 111 # is costed 0.18 €

Orange SIM卡充值方式:
充值网站: http://www.simmundo.es/ 只需要填入电话号码,信用卡数据就可以。


西班牙Orange mundo 预付卡号码优质,180天有效期长,维护简单,可注册各种国内外APP,作为注册卡使用很合适。量大的话,每张成本半白左右,相比东南亚电话卡成本稍高,但是号码质量好。

